No. 24779-1-III.

166 P.3d 1263 (2007)

YONG TAO, a single man, Appellant, v. HENG BIN LI and Jane Doe Li, individually and as a marital community; Fuhe Sun and Jane Doe Sun, individually and as a marital community; Asia Performing Art Theater, a Washington non-profit corporation, doing business as Asian Performing Arts Theater and doing business as Apat; Heng Da Dance Company, a sole proprietorship; Fung-Kei "Frank" Lau and Joanna Lau, individually and as a marital community; Benjamin K.C. Lee and Mayumi O. Lee, individually and as a marital community; Stanley Tam and Jane Doe Tam, individually and as a marital community; Angela Wan and John Doe Wan, individually and as a marital community; Xiaoyan Wu and John Doe Wu, individually and as a marital community; Ford Motor Company, a Delaware corporation; Lynnwood Auto Rentals, Inc., dba U-Save Auto Rental, Defendants, Heng Da Li and Jane Doe Li II, individually and as a marital community, Respondents.

Court of Appeals of Washington, Division 3.

September 18, 2007.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Amos R. Hunter, Amos R. Hunter PS, Jess Gregory Casey, Casey Law Offices PS, Spokane, WA, for Appellant.

Robert William Novasky, Mathew Dominic Marinelli, Melanie T. Stella, Burgess Fitzer PS, Tacoma, WA, Matthew Taylor Boyle, Mitchell Lang & Smith, Seattle, WA, for Respondents.

Bryan Patrick Harnetiaux, Attorney at Law, Spokane, WA, for Amicus Curiae on behalf of Washington State Trial Lawyers Association Foundation.


¶ 1 The trial court summarily dismissed a passenger's suit for personal injuries against the driver, who led a caravan of three vans. The defendant was the driver of the first van and the director of a Seattle performing arts theater. He arranged for members of a Chinese dance troupe to perform in the Northwest. The plaintiff was a member of that troupe and a passenger in the second van. The lead driver set the dance troupe's schedule, rented the vans...

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