No. X06-CV-05-5000521 S.

977 A.2d 285 (2007)

51 Conn.Sup. 68

Jerrold M. METCOFF et al. v. Irene LEBOVICS et al.

Superior Court of Connecticut, Complex Litigation Docket, Judicial District of Waterbury.

August 16, 2007.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Berman & Sable, LLC, Hartford, for the plaintiffs.

Ivy, Barnum & O'Mara, Greenwich, for the defendants.



This action was instituted by the plaintiffs, Jerrold M. Metcoff and David Wilson, against the defendants, Irene Lebovics, Cy E. Hammond, John J. McCloy II, Sam Oolie and Michael J. Parrella. All the defendants are officers or directors of a corporation named NCT Group, Inc. (NCT Group).1 NCT Group is incorporated under the laws of the state of Delaware. The operative complaint is the revised...

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