No. 55704-1-I.

133 P.3d 492 (2006)

132 Wash.App. 688

Jeffrey TAYLOR, as parent and guardian of Zachary Taylor, a minor, Appellant, v. ENUMCLAW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 216, Respondent, and Timothy Tubbs and Jane Doe Tubbs, husband and wife; Terry W. Parker and Jane Doe Parker, husband and wife; Ronald L. Swanson and Jane Doe Swanson, husband and wife; Randy C. Gallatin and Jane Doe Gallatin, husband and wife; Arthur O. Jarvis and Jane Doe Jarvis, husband and wife; and Michael Goodfellow and Jane Doe Goodfellow, husband and wife; Dale Holland and Jane Doe Holland, husband and wife; Nancy Merrill and John Doe Merrill, wife and husband; Lorianne Taff and John Doe Taff, wife and husband; and Andrew Willner and Jane Doe Willner, husband and wife, Defendants.

Court of Appeals of Washington, Division 1.

May 1, 2006.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Tyler K. Firkins, Vansiclen Stocks & Firkins, Auburn, WA, for Appellant/Minor.

Dan L. Johnson, Jerret E. Sale, Bullivant Houser Bailey PC, Seattle, WA, for Respondent.


¶1 Jeffrey Taylor, on behalf of his son Zachary Taylor, appeals the trial court's order granting summary judgment in favor of the Enumclaw School District (District) on his 42 U.S.C. section 1983 claim. Mr. Taylor argues that Zachary has a property and liberty interest in participating in interscholastic sports. When the District imposed academic and athletic suspensions, he contends they violated Zachary's Fourteenth Amendment rights by depriving him...

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