(SC S52884).

127 P.3d 1159 (2006)

340 Or. 30

Larry WOLF, Gail Rasmussen and Christina Coughlin, Petitioners, v. Hardy MYERS, Attorney General, State of Oregon, Respondent.

Supreme Court of Oregon, En Banc.

Decided January 26, 2006.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Margaret S. Olney, Smith, Diamond & Olney, Portland, filed the petition and the reply memorandum for petitioners.

Laura Anderson, Assistant Attorney General, Salem, filed the answering memorandum for respondent. With her on the answering memorandum was Hardy Myers, Attorney General.


This ballot title review proceeding, brought under ORS 250.085(2), concerns the Attorney General's certified ballot title for an initiative petition that the Secretary of State has denominated as Initiative Petition 68 (2006). Initiative Petition 68, if adopted, would require certain corporations described in the measure to disclose tax-related information to the Secretary of State, who would make that information available as a public record. That initiative...

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