No. 53386-0-I.

110 P.3d 796 (2005)

Nancy CUMMINGS, as Personal Representative for the Estate of Pauline Rae Smith, Deceased, Appellant, v. GUARDIANSHIP SERVICES OF SEATTLE, a Washington corporation; Tom O'Brien and Jane Doe O'Brien, husband and wife, and the marital community comprised thereof; Edward D. Gardner and Jane Doe Gardner, husband and wife and the marital community comprised thereof; Marion J. Cloutier and John Doe Cloutier, wife and husband, and the Marital community comprised thereof; Cynthia L. Hanning and John Doe Hanning, wife and husband, and the marital Community comprised thereof; Joyce M. Sambataro and John Doe Sambataro, wife and husband, and the marital community comprised thereof; Gwendolyn T. Saucedo and John Doe Saucedo, wife and husband, and the marital community comprised thereof; Richard D. Watkins and Jane Doe Watkins, husband and wife, and the marital community comprised thereof, Suzanne C. Howle and Jane Doe Howle, wife and husband, and the marital community comprised thereof; and Thompson & Howle, a partnership, Respondents.

Court of Appeals of Washington, Division 1.

April 18, 2005.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Douglas A. Schafer, Schafer Law Firm, Tacoma, WA, for Appellant.

Clarence Jones, Law Offices of Matthew Williams, Tacoma, WA, for Respondents.



¶ 1 Pauline Rae Smith was the subject of a guardianship and had live-in caretakers. She died after falling from the window of her third floor condominium. The questions raised here include whether a claim for economic damages under the abuse of vulnerable adults act1 survives where there are no statutory heirs; whether actions lie for breach of...

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