Richard M. SCRUSHY, Defendant.
United States District Court, N.D. Alabama, Southern Division.https://leagle.com/images/logo.png
April 15, 2005.
April 15, 2005.
Attorney(s) appearing for the Case
Colleen Ann Conry, Mary Katherine Dimke, Nathaniel B. Edmonds, Joshua R. Hochberg, Richard C. Smith, Richard N. Wiedis, Thomas M. Gannon, Washington, DC, Tamarra Matthews Johnson, Alice H. Martin, US Attorney, US Marshal, US Probation, James D. Ingram, Birmingham, AL, for United States of America.
Jacqueline C. Smoke, Leslie V. Moore, Mavanee Routt Bear, Arthur W. Leach, Donald V. Watkins, Birmingham, AL, H. Lewis Gillis, Montgomery, AL, James W. Parkman, R. Martin Adams, Dothan, AL, for Defendant.
United States District Court, N.D. Alabama, Southern Division.
BOWDRE, District Judge.
This matter comes before the court on the Defendant's "Motion to Suppress Defendant's S.E.C. Deposition and for Exclusion of Tape-Recorded Conversations" filed on April 7, 2005 (doc. 416). The Government responded on April 8, 2005 (doc. 417).1 The court conducted a hearing on this matter on April 11, 2005. For the reasons...
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