Nos. SC04-40, SC04-41.

918 So.2d 240 (2005)

THE FLORIDA BAR, Complainant, v. John Robert PAPE, Respondent. The Florida Bar, Complainant, v. Marc Andrew Chandler, Respondent.

Supreme Court of Florida.

November 17, 2005.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Barry S. Richard and M. Hope Keating of Greenberg Traurig, P.A., Tallahassee, FL, for Complainant.

John Robert Pape and Marc Andrew Chandler, Pro se, Fort Lauderdale, FL, for Respondents.


In this case we impose discipline on two attorneys for their use of television advertising devices that violate the Rules of Professional Conduct. These devices, which invoke the breed of dog known as the pit bull, demean all lawyers and thereby harm both the legal profession and the public's trust and confidence in our system of justice.1

We conclude that attorneys Pape...

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