No. CIV.02-1889 JAF.

338 F.Supp.2d 283 (2004)

Emma Rosa MORALES-TORRES, et al., Plaintiffs, v. Victor SANTIAGO DIAZ, et al., Defendants.

United States District Court, D. Puerto Rico.

September 30, 2004.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Francisco R. Gonzalez-Colon, F.R. Gonzalez Law Office, San Juan, PR, for Plaintiffs.

Juan M. Rivera-Gonzalez, Ruben A. Rivera-Rosa, Lespier, Munoz, Noya & Rivera, Kenneth Colon-Alicea, Michael C. McCall, San Juan, PR, for Defendants.


FUSTE, Chief Judge.

Plaintiffs Emma Rosa Morales-Torres, Erasmo Santiago-Ramos, Víctor Manuel Mejías-Vega, Eduardo Soto-Santiago, Ivonne Soto-Pereles, Raúl M. Ortiz-Rivera, Julio Angel Ojeda-Acevedo, Bárbara J. Ojeda-Acevedo, Leticia Santo Domingo-Torres, José A. López-Flores, José L. González-Rodríguez, María López Correa, Eugenio Hernández-de-Jesús, and Ramona Gonz...

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