No. 02-56638.

360 F.3d 1141 (2004)

Aja TERMINE, by and through her Guardian Ad Litem Karen TERMINE; Karen Termine, an individual, Plaintiffs-Appellants, v. WILLIAM S. HART UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT; Westmark School, Defendants-Appellees.

United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit.

March 12, 2004.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Marcy J.K. Tiffany, Steven M. Wyner, Wyner & Tiffany, Torrance, CA, for Plaintiffs-Appellants.

Barrett K. Green, Littler & Mendelson, Los Angeles, CA, Harold Gutenberg, Greenberg & Bass, Encino, CA, for Defendants-Appellees.

Before Betty B. Fletcher, Jerome Farris, and Kim McLane Wardlaw, Circuit Judges.


The order entered on January 9, 2004 is converted to a memorandum disposition and modified as follows:

Delete the first sentence in paragraph 3: "The appellants have unnecessarily procedurally complicated the issues in this case."

Delete the sentence in paragraph 3, line 7: "Further, the SEHO considered the stay-put issue as part of the due process hearing."

Delete the first sentence in paragraph 4: "All critical issues have been raised...

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