Nos. 4D03-382, 4D03-467, 4D03-657.

881 So.2d 614 (2004)

M.S. and N.S., individually and as parents and guardians on behalf of T.S., a minor boy, V.K., individually and as mother and guardian on behalf of D.J., a minor boy, H.J., individually and as parent and guardian on behalf of C.J., a minor girl, W.D., individually and as parent and guardian on behalf of N.D., a minor girl, S.B. and J.B., individually and as parents and guardians on behalf of M.B., a minor boy, T.H. and M.J.H., individually and as parents and guardians on behalf of T.H., a minor boy, J.R. and J.R., individually and as parents and guardians of J.R., a minor girl, L.C. and B.C., individually and as parents and guardians of A.C., a minor girl, M.S. and L.W., individually and as parents and guardians of C.W.S., a minor girl, A.R., individually and as parent and guardian on behalf of L.T., a minor boy, R.A., individually and as parent and guardian on behalf of R.K., a minor boy, J.M., individually and as mother and guardian on behalf of J.M., a minor boy, D.W. and M.G.W., individually and as parents and guardians on behalf of S.W., a minor boy, D.M. and S.M., individually and as parents and guardians on behalf of D.M., a minor boy, J.O. and S.O., individually and as parents and guardians on behalf of M.O., a minor boy, L.D., individually and as mother and guardian on behalf of E.E., a minor girl, M.L. and S.L., individually and as parents and guardians on behalf of F.L., a minor girl, and the School Board of Broward County, Florida, Appellants, v. NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY INC., d/b/a The Ralph J. Baudhuin Oral School of Nova University, Inc., Appellee.

District Court of Appeal of Florida, Fourth District.

Rehearing Denied September 22, 2004.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Jeffrey M. Herman and Stuart S. Mermelstein of Herman & Mermelstein, P.A., Hollywood, for appellants M.S. and N.S., individually and as parents and guardians on behalf of T.S., a minor boy, V.K., individually and as mother and guardian on behalf of D.J., a minor boy, H.J., individually and as parent and guardian on behalf of C.J., a minor girl, W.D., individually and as parent and guardian on behalf of N.D., a minor girl, S.B. and J.B., individually and as parents and guardians on behalf of M.B., a minor boy, T.H. and M.J.H., individually and as parents and guardians on behalf of T.H., a minor boy, J.R. and J.R., individually and as parents and guardians of J.R., a minor girl, L.C. and B.C., individually and as parents and guardians of A.C., a minor girl, M.S. and L.W., individually and as parents and guardians of C.W.S., a minor girl, A.R., individually and as parent and guardian on behalf of L.T., a minor boy, R.A., individually and as parent and guardian on behalf of R.K., a minor boy, J.M., individually and as mother and guardian on behalf of J.M., a minor boy, D.W. and M.G.W., individually and as parents and guardians on behalf of S.W., a minor boy, D.M. and S.M., individually and as parents and guardians on behalf of D.M., a minor boy, J.O. and S.O., individually and as parents and guardians on behalf of M.O., a minor boy, and L.D., individually and as mother and guardian on behalf of E.E., a minor girl.

Lauri Waldman Ross of Lauri Waldman Ross, P.A., and Jack Paris of Leeds Colby & Paris, Miami, for appellants M.L. and as parents and guardians on behalf of F.L., a minor girl.

Dorsey C. Miller, III of Haliczer Pettis, P.A., Fort Lauderdale, for appellant the School Board of Broward County, Florida.

Jeffrey M. Bell and Douglas A. Melamed of Bell, Melamed & Stubbs, LLC, Fort Lauderdale, for appellee.


This appeal arises out of seventeen separate lawsuits which were filed against Nova Southeastern University, Inc. d/b/a Ralph J. Baudhuin Oral School (hereinafter referred to as "Nova") involving a series of incidents occurring at Nova between October of 1996 and March of 1997. The cases were randomly assigned to several different trial judges. However, all seventeen lawsuits were subsequently transferred and consolidated before Judge Leonard Fleet. After...

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