No. 50356-1-I.

86 P.3d 1175 (2004)

John GUARINO, an individual; and Ryan Smith, an individual, Appellants, v. INTERACTIVE OBJECTS, INC., a Washington State Corporation; and Northwest Capital Partners, L.L.C., a Washington State Limited Liability Company; and Steven G. Wollach, husband and wife, and the marital community composed thereof; and Brent Nelson and Jane Doe Nelson, husband and wife, and the marital community composed thereof; and Thad E. Wardall and Jane Doe Wardall, husband and wife, and the marital community composed thereof, Respondents.

Court of Appeals of Washington, Division 1.

March 22, 2004.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Paul Arthur Spencer, Spencer Law Offices PLLC, Bellevue, WA, James Alexander Smith, Smith & Hennessey PLLC, Seattle, WA, for Respondents.

E. Duane Golphenee, Duane Golphenee PS, John Burton Farver, Peick & Associates PS, Bellevue, WA, for Appellants.


A dispute over employment severance benefits between a corporation and two former executives proceeded to mediation, which resulted in Settlement Agreements. The dispute did not involve any issues regarding corporation stock. Nonetheless, the Settlement Agreements included provisions allowing the corporation to purchase the appellants' founder's shares of stock. Subsequent to the purchase of the appellants'...

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