(SC S50621).

79 P.3d 864 (2003)

336 Or. 116

Kris KAIN and Tricia Bosak, Petitioners, v. Hardy MYERS, Attorney General, State of Oregon, Respondent, and Lloyd K. Marbet, Intervenor.

Supreme Court of Oregon, En Banc.

Decided November 6, 2003.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Margaret S. Olney, of Smith, Diamond & Olney, Portland, filed the petition for petitioners.

Steven R. Powers, Assistant Attorney General, Salem, filed the answering memorandum for respondent. With him on the answering memorandum were Hardy Myers, Attorney General, and Mary H. Williams, Solicitor General.

Daniel W. Meek, Portland, filed the answering memorandum for intervenor.


Petitioners challenge the ballot title for a proposed initiative measure that the Secretary of State has denominated as Initiative Petition 55 (2004). We review the ballot title for substantial compliance with ORS 250.035(2) and refer the ballot title to the Attorney General for modification.

Initiative Petition 55, if enacted, would revise Oregon's campaign finance laws. The proposed measure has five main...

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