No. COA01-1481.

576 S.E.2d 336 (2003)

Mary JORDAN, Alphonso Little, Lee Broadie, Walter Weathers, Jon Curry, Robert Baley, Theodore Rankin, John White, Florence Geer, Sally Grier, Esther Gainer, Jerry Nivens, James Earnhardt, Helen Bailey, Norman Huffman, Frances Stitt, Cola McLeod, Thomas Hunter, Rachel Campbell, Sophie Anthony, Jane Canipe, Richard Rankin, Peggy Campbell, Willie Kay, David Ealey, Wilson Johnson, Edward Biggers, Gwendolyn Sellers, Gerald Rudd, Brian Lofty, Michael Agah, Donna Geer, Mark King, Cynthia Strong, Jonathan Blackmon, Billy Gaskin, Francis Ervin, Clay Durham, Ronald Neth, Randy Hardin, Lula Jackson, Arsonia Beatty, Wesley Withers, Warren Phifer, James Revels, Kyle Gordon, Virgil Hacker, Johnny Love, Michael Speach, Bernice Jonston, Gladys Shepard, Robert Collins, Arnold Osborne, Dorthea Thompson, Janet Hunter, Arnold Gerads, Sammy Belcher, Billy Newton, Randall Harden, James Curl, Sylvia McDaniel, James Newton, Jeffrey McCorkle, Daniel Simpson, Vera James, Tija Anderson, Melvin Reed, Bobby Kelly, Michael Tallman, Michael Watts, Lahai Amadu, Alfred Hanshaw, Gloria Wall, Rosewill Hayes, Carl Crook, Vernon Alsbrooks, Jim Coggins, Virgil Osbourne, Wanes Autry, Leonard Davis, Joseph Gutekanst, Carl Smith, Terry Fish, Dennis Glover, Stanley Brewer, Olen Moore, J.C. Hager, Robert McGinnis, Jack Fox, Robert Brown, Ronald Hager, Roger Brown, Charles Campbell, Robert Morrow, Theodore Sherman, Walter Johnson, Kenneth Deaver, Randy Smith, Monterron Cobbs, Richard Queen, Dana Johnson, Derek Sutton, Christopher Ritchie, Billy Sigmon, Henry Rucker, Richard Arnett, Jr., Curtis Filler, William Ritchie, Ronald Douglas, Randy Duncon, Frank Isreal, Jr., Toko Tumambo, Carl Black, Jonathan Perry, Malanda Mambweni, Gary Ritchie, Dana Pressley, Donna Brown, Marvin Robinson, Malcolm Hodge, George Adkins, Juanita Huntley, Joel Berry, Timothy McCauslin, Pany Novansy, Bobbie Collins, Richard Dulin, Kenneth Mungrow, Dace Jones, Gloria Jackson, Adolphe Mounkassa, Diane Miller, Larry Perkins, Rickie Brooks, Michael Edwards, Perry Shepherd, Wanda Young, Michael Bost, Joel St. Germaine, Alfred Taylor, Edward Nesbit, Jacqueline Davis, Dorothery Massey, Alice Outlaw, George Owusu, Tina Beckham, Sharon Belton, Mitchell Best, Tony Harkley, Antwon Logan, Vallery McClain, Jessee Whitt, Walter Hager, Matthew Robinson, Joseph Lee, Dean Tucker, Donnie Grier, Pernell Pauling, Teresa Barnes, Todd Good, James Ritchie, Doris Miller, Terry Pate, Anthony Christian, Alan Prunty, Marshall Parks, Rian Tucker, Amy Starnes, Edwin Faulkner, Rodney Gaddy, James Carelock, Glenn Hope, Chris Pauley, Toney Hilton, Gleason Quidley, Chris Payborn, Jerry Cunningham, Donal Hickely, Roger Meeks, Roger Thompson, Otis Walker, Robert Leadford, Harold Phillips, James Howze, Thony Payer, Dominique Simpson, Willie Hope, Bill Downy, James Crenshaw, Ed Enole, Eric Harris, Charles Perry, James Spy, Fred Williams, Floyd Love and Tim Harden, as well as the Estates of the following persons now deceased, Willie Henry, Thomas Querns and Michael Lorick, Plaintiffs, v. The EARTHGRAINS COMPANIES, INC., Anheuser-Busch, Inc. and Campbell Taggart Baking Companies, Inc. now Earthgrains Baking Companies, Inc., Defendants.

Court of Appeals of North Carolina.

January 21, 2003.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Pamela A. Hunter, Charlotte, and N. Clinton Cannon, Jr., Gastonia, for plaintiff-appellants.

Fisher & Phillips, LLP, by Anderson B. Scott Atlanta, and Hutson, Hughes & Powell, P.A., by James H. Hughes, Durham, for defendant-appellees.


Mary Jordan, et al (hereinafter referred to collectively as "plaintiffs") appeal from an order of the trial court granting summary judgment in favor of The Earthgrains Company, Anheuser-Busch, Inc., and Campbell Taggart Company (hereinafter collectively, "defendants"). For reasons stated herein, we affirm the trial court's decision.

An examination of the pleadings, exhibits, and depositions filed in response to defendants' summary judgment...

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