No. 3662.

355 S.C. 299 (2003)

584 S.E.2d 154

In the Matter of the ESTATE OF Gordon S. BOYNTON. Ervin Mathias, as Co-Personal Representative of the Estate of Gordon S. Boynton; Gordon Benjamin Kearse; Loraine K. Clark; James G. Kearse; Esther S. Kearse, as Personal Representative of the Estate of Henry A. Kearse; and June Kearse, as Personal Representative of the Estate of Richard M. Kearse, Respondents, v. Janice Taylor Clark, Individually and as Co-Personal Representative of the Estate of Gordon S. Boynton, Appellant.

Court of Appeals of South Carolina.

Decided July 21, 2003.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

James D. Mosteller, of Columbia, for Appellant.

B. Michael Brackett, of Columbia, for Respondents.


Janice Taylor Clark, the illegitimate daughter of Henry Taylor, appeals the circuit court's decision that the remainder devise to the "child or children" of Taylor in Item I of Gordon Boynton's will did not include illegitimate children. We affirm.


Boynton died testate in 1954, devising a life estate in an 860 acre farm to Taylor with the remainder to Taylor's child or children and a contingent remainder...

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