No. 71811-3.

75 P.3d 497 (2003)

150 Wash.2d 102

Maria TEGMAN, Linda Leszynski and Diana Calixto, Respondents, v. ACCIDENT & MEDICAL INVESTIGATIONS, INC., a Washington corporation, Richard McClellan and Jane Doe McClellan, individually and as husband and wife, and the marital community composed thereof; Joy A. Brown and John Doe Brown, individually and as wife and husband, and the marital community composed thereof; Michael D. Hoyt and Jane Doe Hoyt, individually and as husband and wife, and the marital community composed thereof; James P. Bailey and Jane Doe Bailey, individually and as husband and wife, and the marital community composed thereof; Camille H. Jescavage and John Doe Jescavage, individually and as husband and wife, and the marital community composed thereof, Defendants, Delores M. Mullen and John Doe Mullen, individually and as wife and husband, and the marital community composed thereof; Lorinda S. Noble and John Doe Noble, individually and as wife and husband, and the marital community thereof, Petitioners.

Supreme Court of Washington, En Banc.

Decided August 28, 2003.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Lorinda Noble, Colville, Floyd Fulle, Clinton, for petitioners.

Gregory Lucas, Mona Smith, Bellevue, for respondents.


The issue we decide is whether negligent defendants are jointly and severally liable for damages resulting from both negligent and intentional acts. We hold that under RCW 4.22.070 the damages resulting from negligence must be segregated from those resulting from intentional acts, and the negligent defendants are jointly and severally liable only for the damages resulting from their negligence. They are not jointly and severally liable for damages...

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