No. CIV.A.2002-123.

274 F.Supp.2d 729 (2003)

Rafael IRIZARRY, Appellant, v. Pamela CARPENTER, Appellee.

District Court, Virgin Islands, Appellate Division. D. St. Thomas and St. John.

July 24, 2003.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Gregory H. Hodges, Esq., St. Thomas, VI, for the Appellant.

Charles S. Russell, Jr., Esq., St. Thomas, VI, for the Appellee.

Before: RAYMOND L. FINCH, Chief Judge of the District Court of the Virgin Islands; THOMAS K. MOORE, Judge of the District Court of the Virgin Islands; and DARRYL DEAN DONOHUE, Judge of the Territorial Court of the Virgin Islands, Division of St. Croix, Sitting by Designation.



On April 12, 2002, appellee Pamela Carpenter ["Carpenter" or "appellee"] sued appellant Rafael Irizarry ["Irizarry" or "appellant"] in Territorial Court, Small Claims Division, alleging that appellant had failed to perform various obligations contained in a lease agreement and that he owed her up to $16,000.00 in damages.1 According to appellant, he did not receive notice of the underlying action until May...

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