293 A.D.2d 617 (2002)

741 N.Y.S.2d 82

In the Matter of CARLOS M., a Child Alleged to be Neglected. ADMINISTRATION FOR CHILDREN'S SERVICES, Appellant; NETTIE M., Respondent; MONICA DRINANE, Nonparty Appellant. (Proceeding No. 1.) In the Matter of SHAMEKA M., a Child Alleged to be Neglected. ADMINISTRATION FOR CHILDREN'S SERVICES, Appellant; NETTIE M., Respondent; MONICA DRINANE, Nonparty Appellant. (Proceeding No. 2.) In the Matter of MORANDA M., a Child Alleged to be Neglected. ADMINISTRATION FOR CHILDREN'S SERVICES, Appellant; NETTIE M., Respondent; MONICA DRINANE, Nonparty Appellant. (Proceeding No. 3.) In the Matter of SHAWNTA M., a Child Alleged to be Neglected. ADMINISTRATION FOR CHILDREN'S SERVICES, Appellant; NETTIE M., Respondent; MONICA DRINANE, Nonparty Appellant. (Proceeding No. 4.) In the Matter of SHATERIA M., a Child Alleged to be Neglected. ADMINISTRATION FOR CHILDREN'S SERVICES, Appellant; NETTIE M., Respondent; MONICA DRINANE, Nonparty Appellant. (Proceeding No. 5.) In the Matter of SIERRA M., a Child Alleged to be Neglected. ADMINISTRATION FOR CHILDREN'S SERVICES, Appellant; NETTIE M., Respondent; MONICA DRINANE, Nonparty Appellant. (Proceeding No. 6.) In the Matter of LIQUITTA M., a Child Alleged to be Neglected. ADMINISTRATION FOR CHILDREN'S SERVICES, Appellant; NETTIE M., Respondent; MONICA DRINANE, Nonparty Appellant. (Proceeding No. 7.) In the Matter of CHARLES M., a Child Alleged to be Neglected. ADMINISTRATION FOR CHILDREN'S SERVICES, Appellant; NETTIE M., Respondent; MONICA DRINANE, Nonparty Appellant. (Proceeding No. 8.)

Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Second Department.

Decided April 15, 2002.

Ordered that the order is reversed, on the law and the facts, without costs and disbursements, so much of the order as dismissed the neglect petitions for the failure to protect the children from witnessing domestic violence and from the use of excessive corporal punishment is vacated, those branches of the petitions are reinstated, the petitions to adjudicate Carlos M., Shameka M., Moranda M., Shawnta M., Shateria M., Sierra M., Liquitta M., and Charles M. as neglected children...

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