No. 71525-4.

55 P.3d 619 (2002)

LAWYERS TITLE INSURANCE CORPORATION, a Virginia corporation, Petitioner, v. Soon J. BAIK, a single person; Nam H. Baik and Jane Doe Baik, husband and wife; Ae Y. Kim and John Doe Kim, wife and husband; Jong H. Baik, a single person; Anderson, Burrows & Galbraith, a Washington professional services corporation; Grant B. Anderson and Jane Doe Anderson, husband and wife; Sang I. Chae and Jane Doe Chae, husband and wife, Respondents.

Supreme Court of Washington, En Banc.

Decided October 17, 2002.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Preston Gates & Ellis LLP, Lance Dahl, Seattle, for Petitioner.

Burgess Fitzer P.S., Timothy Gosselin, Tacoma, Chae & Associates, Nancy Allo, Kent, Gordon Thomas Honeywell, et al., Ronald Leighton, Dianne Conway, James Seely, Tacoma, Edwards Sieh Smith & Goodfriend, Howard Goodfriend, Seattle, for Respondents.


At issue in this case is whether the Court of Appeals properly affirmed summary dismissal of a title company's negligent misrepresentation claim against a law firm representing an estate. The Court of Appeals concluded as a matter of law that the title company could not have justifiably relied upon a letter from the law firm informing the title company that, based upon the firm's tax preparation, no estate taxes were due. Because we conclude that the reasonableness...

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