No. 2001-CP-01906-COA.

829 So.2d 1287 (2002)

Ronald Edward ROGERS, Appellant, v. STATE of Mississippi, Appellee.

Court of Appeals of Mississippi.

November 5, 2002.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Ronald Edward Rogers, (Pro Se), attorney for appellant.

Office of the Attorney General by John R. Henry, attorney for appellee.


SOUTHWICK, P.J., for the court.

¶ 1. Ronald Rogers pled guilty to a charge of grand larceny and was given a five year suspended sentence with three years' probation. He subsequently violated the terms of his probation. Probation was revoked and he was ordered to begin serving his sentence. Months later Rogers filed a motion for reconsideration and it was denied. Rogers appeals. We conclude that regardless of whether the trial court had authority to consider the...

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