No. 21091-0-III.

57 P.3d 1191 (2002)

Alan ALMQUIST and Gerri Almquist, husband and wife, individually, and as co-Guardians ad litem, for Alan Wayne "A.J." Almquist, a minor; Joseph Chrisp and Alicia Chrisp, husband and wife, individually, and as co-Guardians ad litem, for Shayla Chrisp, a minor; Frank Hall and Sherri Hall, husband and wife, individually, and as co-Guardians ad litem, for Kevin Fisk, a minor; Gary Henderson and Debbi Henderson, husband and wife, individually, and as co-Guardians ad litem, for Jacqueline de-Bit, a minor; John Maxwell and Donna Maxwell, husband and wife, individually, and as co-Guardians ad litem, for Faith Maxwell, a minor; Doug Oquist and Tami Oquist, husband and wife, individually, and as co-Guardians ad litem, for Ariel Oquist, a minor; Carl Paris and Lorri Kaneaster, husband and wife, individually, and as co-Guardians ad litem, for Zachary Paris, a minor; Robert Voss and Regina Voss, husband and wife, individually, and as co-Guardians ad litem, for Jacquelynn Voss, a minor; Ken Cox and Kelly Cox, husband and wife, individually, and as co-Guardians ad litem, for Jorden Cox, a minor; Zene and Shelley Stillar, husband and wife, individually, and as co-Guardians ad litem, for Kimberly Price, a minor; Perry and Carrie Scott, husband and wife, individually, and as co-Guardians ad litem, for Kelley M. Scott, a minor, Respondents, v. THE FINLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 53, a local governmental entity, Appellant, Northern States Beef, a foreign corporation, Defendant.

Court of Appeals of Washington, Division 3, Panel Nine.

November 21, 2002.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

William R. Hickman, Pamela A. Okano, Reed, McClure, Seattle, WA, Gerald J. Moberg, Attorney at Law, Ephrata, WA, Diehl R. Rettig, Rettig, Osborne, Forgette, O'Donnell, Kennewick, WA, for Appellant.

William D. Marler, Bruce T. Clark, Denis W. Stearns, Marler, Clark, Seattle, WA, Charles K. Wiggins, Kenneth W. Masters, Wiggins Law Office, Bainbridge Island, WA, for Respondents.


The Washington Product Liability Act (Product Liability Act or Act) imposes strict liability on the manufacturer of a defective product. RCW 7.72.010(4); Hyjek v. Anthony Indus., 133 Wn.2d 414, 944 P.2d 1036 (1997). The Finley School District No. 53 prepared and sold tacos tainted with E. coli1 0157...

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