Nos. 00-2529, & 00-2746.

260 F.3d 201 (2001)

George W. HENGLEIN; L.C. Albacker; R.B. Andrews; R.L. Appeldorn; R.H. Ashenbaugh; A.L. Austin; J.W. Bagosi; J.D. Balser; A. Barrasso; J.O. Bauer; E.E. Best; H.W. Big Leman; C.R. Blazier; J.P. Bressanelli; G.D. Brow N; F.C. Buchholz; E.C. Calvin; R.R. Campbell; P.D. Castellano; J.L. Cerasi; E. Chapman; S. Christy; T.M. Costello; C.A. Dauka; A.J. Decosta; M.G. Degrande; A.S. Diccio; A.P. Dimarzio; C.J. Dimarzio; R.J. Dougherty; M. Druga; E.P. Erath; E.P. Fahnert; H. Farrington; M. Ferlaino; R.D. Feydo; E.R. Finger; J.N. Flara; N.E. Fred Erick; J.P. Frenn; R.E. Fronko; L.L. Gibbs; W.L. Gleason; L.E. Gordon; R.W. Gott; J.E. Grimm; P.E. Grubbs; E.R. Guerra; A.J. Gulutz; J.T. Haaf; J.D. Hamacher, Jr.; P.J. Hannon; R.M. Hansen; M.I. Harpham; D.H. Heldman; J.K. Hile; R.S. Hogsett; R.T. Hopper; H.M. Howell; W.M. Hyams; J.M. Janke; C.L. Jobe; K.H. Johns; R.O. Johnson, Jr.; E.T. Jones; R. Kao; D.P. Kerr, Jr.; P.A. Keys; R.W. Knallay; E.E. Knapek; W.J. Kofalt; S.W. Kohler; T. Kominitsky; T.R. Krupa; P.R. Kullen; J.R. Kundick; W. Lake; D.F. Lavene; T.T. Lehmann; R.H. Lewis; R.A. Lippert; W.R. Livingston; J.H. Lutton; A.J. Lynn; D.B. McClain; P.F. McNicol; E.L. Marsh; F.S. Matsukas; H.J. Mercer; A.R. Middleton; M. Mitrovich; M.A. Molchan; R.A. Montgomery; R.T. Morelli; A.N. Morrison; H. Mraunac; M.R. Muckian; C.W. Murray, III; C.J. Myers; L.V. Nagle; D.A. Nobers; J.A. Nuzo; E. Ordich; W.H. Orr; T.H. Parsons; A.J. Pasko; H.S. Pease, III; G.J. Pescion; G.V. Peterson; J.J. Popp; G.P. Porto; G. Postich; D.E. Powell; R.W. Prentice; J.V. Presutti; W.C. Price; L.E. Raykovics; T.R. Reed; J.W. Reider; J.J. Rose; A.J. Rosepiller; C.S. Russell; K.E. Sanders; M.A. Sarver; P.K. Schake; J.W. Scholtz; A.H. Scheline; M.L. Sherry; F.R. Shuss; W.W. Simpson; A.E. Six; J.E. Smith; E.H. Spaziani; W.H. Stephens; C.D. Strosnider; J.F. Suffoletta; H.L. Taylor; K.E. Thomas; F.S. Thornberry, Jr.; J.R. Tice; D.A. Townley; R. Trbovich; R.T. Turner; H.B. Van Fossen; R.R. Vlah; A. Vranes; S. Vranes; D.W. Ware; K.G. Wassman; G.T. Weekley; E.M. Werries; D.L. Westfall; J.A. Whitehead; R.J. Whitten; C.K. Wildman; T. Williams, Jr.; T.H. Wills; A.J. Yanni; L.H. Young, Jr.; R.C. Young; H.F. Yute, Appellants/Cross-Appellees, v. COLT INDUSTRIES OPERATING CORPORATION, informal plan for plant shutdown benefits for salaried employees and Colt Industries Operating Corporation Plan for maintaining benefits for salaried employees in parity with benefits granted to union represented employees, Appellee/Cross-Appellant.

United States Court of Appeals, Third Circuit.

Filed August 10, 2001.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

James J. Ahearn, (ARGUED), 825 B Morewood Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213, Attorney for Appellants/Cross-Appellees.

Mark G. Arnold, (ARGUED), Husch & Eppenberger, LLC 100 North Broadway, Suite 1300 St. Louis, Missouri 63102

William H. Powderly, III, Esq. Metz Schermer & Lewis, LLC, 11 Stanwix Street Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222, Attorneys for Appellee/Cross-Appellant.

BEFORE: NYGAARD, WEIS, Circuit Judges, and KAUFFMAN, District Judge.


WEIS, Circuit Judge.

In this appeal we determine that a ruling on a statute of limitations issue in a declaratory judgment action had preclusive effect despite the fact that other requests for a declaration were denied because of unresolved factual matters. As a consequence, the District Court erred in applying a different limitations period in a related ERISA case and barring the claims of some of the employee plaintiffs. We also conclude...

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