No. 25713-1-II.

21 P.3d 1157 (2001)

105 Wash.App. 813

RIGHT-PRICE RECREATION, LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company, Respondent, v. CONNELLS PRAIRIE COMMUNITY COUNCIL, a Washington non-profit Corporation; Pierce County Rural Citizens Association, a Washington non-profit corporation; Jon Salisbury and Jane Doe Salisbury, husband and wife; William Wright and Jane Doe Wright, husband and wife; John Does 1-10 and Jane Does 1-10, Appellants.

Court of Appeals of Washington, Division 2.

April 20, 2001.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Matthew Laurence Sweeney, Fircrest, for Respondent.

Shawn Timothy Newman, Olympia, for Appellants.

Jeffrey L. Fisher, Davis, Wright, Tremaine, Seattle, for American Civil Liberties Union, amicus curiae.


Two citizens' groups opposed a developer's proposal before Pierce County's hearing examiner and county council. The developer, alleging that the groups had made false statements about the proposal, sued for damages for slander, commercial disparagement, tortious interference, and civil conspiracy. When the developer sought discovery of all documents related to the citizens' groups, the groups claimed an associational...

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