No. 17143-4-III.

997 P.2d 426 (2000)

100 Wash.App. 281

Milton HANSON and Roberta Hanson, husband and wife, Respondents, v. Karen ESTELL and Daniel Estell, wife and husband, Appellants, Spokane County Sheriff's Department, Sheriff John Goldman and Jane Doe Goldman, husband and wife, Deputy Sheriff D.B. Henderson and Jane Doe Henderson, husband and wife, and Deputy John Doe Mulvey and Jane Doe Mulvey, husband and wife, Defendants.

Court of Appeals of Washington, Division 3, Panel Three.

April 13, 2000.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Frank C. King, Spokane, for Appellants.

Milton A. Hanson, Roberta K. Hanson, Otis Orchards, for Respondents.


For about five years Karen and Daniel Estell have been wrangling with neighbors Milton and Roberta Hanson over a 15-by 307-foot strip of land between their two properties. The Hansons won a prescriptive easement over this Estell-owned property. After the Estells tried to block access to the easement with a fence, the Hansons sued again, for contempt, violation of a court order, injunctive relief and other causes...

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