No. 41034-2-I.

973 P.2d 1103 (1999)

MANNINGTON CARPETS, INC., a Georgia corporation, Respondent, v. Thomas R. HAZELRIGG III and Jane Doe Hazelrigg III, husband and wife, and their marital community; Auburn Sheet Metal, Inc., a Washington corporation; Centrum Financial Services, Inc., a Washington corporation, Defendants, G.W. Construction Group, Inc., a Washington corporation, Respondent, Iris Window Coverings N.W., Inc., a Washington corporation; Kelly-Moore Preservative Paint Co., a California corporation; Lair-Swanson Inc., a Washington corporation, Defendants, Superior Drywall, Inc., a Washington corporation, Respondent, James T. Takisaki and Jane Doe Takisaki, husband and wife, and their marital community; and Viking Automatic Sprinkler Company, a Washington corporation, Defendants, Acoustical Supplies, Inc., a Washington corporation, Respondent, Frontier Bank, a Washington corporation, Appellant, John E. Hilton and Carol Hilton, husband and wife, and their marital community; Larry Landin and Jane Doe Landin, husband and wife, and their marital community; B.G. Lanz, P.S., a Washington professional services corporation; Michael R. Mastro and Jane Doe Mastro, husband and wife, and their marital community, Defendants, John C. Radovich and Carol D. Radovich, husband and wife, and their marital community, Appellants, Roger W. Jones, Jr., as Trustee under a Deed of Trust granted to John C. Radovich and Carol D. Radovich; Washington Architectural Hardware Co. Inc., a Washington corporation; and 529 Corporation, a Nevada corporation, Defendants. G.W. Construction Group, Inc., a Washington corporation, Respondent, Boyer Electric Co., Inc., Respondent, and J.D. Penner & Associates, Limited, Defendant.

Court of Appeals of Washington, Division 1.

March 29, 1999.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

David R. Riley, Thomas F. Peterson, Roger Wesley Jones, Seattle, for Appellants.

Jay Zulauf, Seattle, for Respondents.


The priority of a materialmen's lien against real property is established as of the date of delivery of the material to that property. Here, Mannington Carpets, Inc., shipped carpet "F.O.B.1 Mannington's mill" from the state of Georgia to Renton, Washington, in March 1996. In May 1996, a carrier delivered the carpet to the subject property, a commercial building located in Renton. The month before, on April 18, 1996, lenders Frontier...

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