No. 38189-0-I.

943 P.2d 1141 (1997)

88 Wash.App. 87

Jordan BROWER, Appellant, v. Chris ACKERLEY, and Jane Doe Ackerley, and the marital community composed thereof; Ted Ackerley and Jane Doe Two Ackerley, and the marital community thereof, Respondents, John Doe One and Jane Doe One, and the marital community composed thereof; John Doe Two and Jane Doe Two, and the marital community composed thereof; John Doe Three and Jane Doe Three, and the marital community composed thereof; John Doe Four and Jane Doe Four, and the marital community composed thereof; John Doe Five and Jane Doe Five, and the marital community composed thereof; Corporation A, a corporation; Corporation B, a corporation; Corporation C, a corporation; Corporation D, a corporation; and Corporation E, a corporation, Additional Defendants.

Court of Appeals of Washington, Division 1.

September 22, 1997.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Roger Melvin Leed, Seattle, for Appellant.

Peter D. Byrnes and Paul Renwick Taylor of Byrnes & Keller, Seattle, for Respondents.

BECKER, Judge.

Jordan Brower, who alleges that Christopher and Theodore Ackerley made anonymous threatening telephone calls to him, appeals from a summary judgment dismissal of his claims against them. Because the threatened harm was insufficiently imminent to be actionable as civil assault, we hold the assault claim was appropriately dismissed. But we reverse and remand for trial on the tort of outrage, rejecting the argument...

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