No. 37169-0-I.

943 P.2d 298 (1997)

87 Wash.App. 614

Edward W. DUTTON and Kaisa Dutton, husband and wife, Appellants, v. WASHINGTON PHYSICIANS HEALTH PROGRAM, a non-profit Washington corporation, formerly doing business as Washington Monitored Treatment Program and Daniel E. Wolf, individually and as Director and Jane Doe Wolf; Richard E. Bird and Jane Doe Bird, husband and wife; The State of Washington and its Department of Health and The Medical Disciplinary Board and their agents, employees, representatives and heads, individually and in their official capacity, including: Dr. Marilyn Ward and John Doe Ward, husband and wife; Dr. Michael Sasynuik and Jane Doe Sasynuik, husband and wife; Dr. Larry Bryce and Jane Doe Bryce, husband and wife; Traci Troutman and John Doe Troutman, husband and wife, John and Jane Doe, I-V, and ABC Corporations Or Business Entities, presently unidentified, Respondents.

Court of Appeals of Washington, Division 1.

Publication Ordered September 2, 1997.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Peter Moote, Peter Moote & Associates, Freeland, for Appellants.

Michael Simpson Rogers, Reed McClure, Seattle, Rene David Tomisser, Atty. General Office/Tort Claims, Olympia, for Respondents.

COX, Judge.

Dr. Edward Dutton brought this action for damages against the state Medical Disciplinary Board (the Board), Washington Physicians Health Program (the Program), various individuals affiliated with these two entities, and the State and one of its agencies. This action is based on suspension of Dr. Dutton's medical license. The Board based the suspension on claims that Dr. Dutton was impaired and thus unable to perform his duties as a physician. The trial...

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