No. 18942.

938 P.2d 178 (1997)

85 Hawai`i 119

In the Interest of DOE CHILDREN: Jane Doe, born on July 18, 1988, and Jane Doe, born on August 14, 1989.

Intermediate Court of Appeals of Hawai`i.

April 30, 1997.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Brian Custer, Honolulu, on the briefs, for mother-appellant.

Jay K. Goss and Kenneth Enright, Deputy Attorneys General, on the brief, for Department of Human Services-appellee.

Marguerite B. Simson, Honolulu, Guardian ad Litem, joinder in the answering brief.

Ronald P. Tongg, Honolulu (Tongg and Tongg, of counsel), joinder in the answering brief, for father-appellee.


BURNS, Chief Judge.

In this Child Protective Act case, the mother (Mother) of Jane Doe, born on July 18, 1988 (Daughter A), and Jane Doe, born on August 14, 1989 (Daughter B), appeals the family court's November 30, 1994 Orders Concerning Child Protective Act which terminated jurisdiction in FC-S No. 93-03106, the Child Protective Act case. Mother also appeals the family court's March 29, 1995 Orders Concerning Child Protective...

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