A94A0566, A94A0567.

213 Ga. App. 683 (1994)

446 S.E.2d 233

MILLER et al. v. RIESER et al. and vice versa.

Court of Appeals of Georgia.

Decided June 28, 1994.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Bernard Knight, Randy J. Comins, for appellants.

Susan G. Bueter, Patricia B. Ball, Julian A. Mack, for appellees.

BEASLEY, Presiding Judge.

Joscelyn Rieser was born on June 21, 1982, of Mary and Ray Rieser. Since 1987, when she reached age five, Joscelyn has lived in Atlanta with her maternal grandmother Rosalind Miller. The Riesers are divorced, and Mary resides in California. In August 1991, Mary came to Atlanta and announced she was taking nine-year-old Joscelyn back to California.

Course of the litigation

On August 19, 1991, the grandmother filed...

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