No. 91-1302.

610 So.2d 192 (1992)

James J. MYERS, Plaintiff-Appellee, v. James E. FOSTER, et ux., Defendant-Appellant.

Court of Appeal of Louisiana, Third Circuit.

December 9, 1992.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Brent S. Gore, Ferriday, for plaintiff-appellee.

Philip Letard, Vidalia, for defendant-appellant.


WILLIAM A. CULPEPPER, Judge, pro tem.

This is a suit on a lease agreement. The lessees, the Fosters, leased building space from the lessor, Mr. Myers, for a ladies dress shop for a five year term. There were problems with poor drainage of the parking lot and the lessee complained about the lack of availability of parking. The Fosters moved out of the leased premises before the lease expired, without giving Mr. Myers written notice. Mr. Myers sued for the balance of...

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