Civ. Nos. B-87-985, B-87-1312, B-87-2107, B-87-2473, B-87-3172 to B-87-3174, B-88-371, B-88-1190, B-88-2496, B-88-2937, B-88-3235, B-88-3605, B-88-3942, B-89-15, B-89-50, B-89-127, B-89-128, B-89-255, B-89-259, B-89-305 to B-89-308, B-89-618, B-89-696, B-89-792, B-89-793, B-89-794, B-89-848 to B-89-850, B-89-1335, B-89-1529, B-89-1934 to B-89-1937, B-89-2579, B-89-2583, B-89-2671, B-89-2672, B-89-3093, B-89-3133, B-89-3460, B-90-341, B-90-491, B-90-651, B-90-654, B-90-715, B-90-1227, B-90-1488, B-90-1715, B-90-1969, B-90-2244, B-90-2298, B-90-2593, B-90-3121, B-91-570, B-91-587, B-91-640, B-91-689, B-91-908, B-91-1035, B-91-1324, B-91-1486, B-91-1512, B-91-1526, B-91-1612, B-91-1807, B-91-1808 and B-91-1820.

783 F.Supp. 233 (1992)

Sharon L. NICHOLS and David R. Nichols, Virginia Ann Callan and Charles Oliver Richardson, III, Marilyn Goodman and Thomas J. Goodman, Debra A. Lopez and Rudolph Lopez, Sharon Ruth Anderson, Rosemary Madrid Castaneda and Jesse Castaneda, Karen Ley-Lloyd, Jacqueline Templin, Katherine Galati Novick, Karen Janet Davis, Peggy Lee Patterson, Michelle James, Patricia Ann Ehlert, Dana Messerly and Raymond Leroy Messerly, Susan Gail Parlon, Alicia Roberts, Lindsy Gail Syroid, Barbara Ruth Ames, Susan Partridge and David Partridge, Ruby Caroline Larabie, Deanna H. Robb, Carmen Callier, Anna Caruso, Cynthia Isabelle and Jean Claude Isabelle, Nancy Delsanto and James Delsanto, Barbara Hayden and Norman Hayden, Deborah Ann Muscato, Stoina Hibbard and Michael Hibbard, Denise K. Liberman, Gayle E. Donnelly, Martha Caust-Moran and Pascal Moran, Roberta Walls and Charles Walls, Linda Phillips, Susan Lee Smirl Krupa, Karen Prewitt, Janet Rae Fregonese, Wanda S. McAlister, Tamara M. Felix, Felicitas L. Singer and Thomas J. Singer, Nicole Cohen Blair, Mary Ina Delisle Courville and George Vincent Courville, Prisuave Walker and Mark Dale Walker, Gail R. Zucker and Kenneth Jay Wolf, Roberta Fryer, Sharon P. Loftus and Michael J. Loftus, II, Janet Lynn Billings, Julia Mae Lambert Thaxton, Pauline Johnson, Catherine Evans, Cheryll Smith and Michael Smith, Nancy Daru Yaeli and Ron Thomas Yaeli, Barbara Helm-Gottsleben, Harriet Birnbaum Helberg and Sandy Morris Helberg, Nancy Frisch and Paul Frisch, Linda Jo McCarver and Byron Marvin McCarver, Sandra Carol Smith and Joseph James Smith, Debbie Dolores Stallings and John Francis Stallings, Jr., Carol A. Lofquist Cummins and Dirk P. Cummins, Lilyan Chrappa-Spool and Roger Owen Spool, Bonnie Eugenia Crownover and George Donald Crownover, Jr., Joyce Elaine Andrew-Lavage and William Michael Andrew-Lavage, Cynthia Corrine Hand and Michael Joseph Tracy, Monica Gay Ward, Cheryl Jane Gerhart and Ronald Scott Gerhart, Cindy Fohn Coleman and Kyle Howard Coleman, Janet Stein, Catherine Susan LaRosa, Sandra Lynn Pusep, Nancy Peeler Sheehan and Charles M. Sheehan, Irene Sylvia Angelico and Abbey Jack Neidik, Elsie Espana and Elio Espana, Gayle Peterson v. G.D. SEARLE & COMPANY and Searle Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

United States District Court, D. Maryland.

January 22, 1992.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

H. Robert Erwin, Jr. and Pamm G. Wiggin, Baltimore, Md., and Roger L. Pardieck, Seymour, Ind., for plaintiffs.

Paul F. Strain, Elizabeth C. Honeywell and James L. Shea, Baltimore, Md., for defendants.

WALTER E. BLACK, Jr., Chief Judge.

Presently pending before the Court are defendant's Motions for Rule 12(d) Preliminary Hearing on its Defense of Lack of Personal Jurisdiction. Beginning in 1983, more than one hundred female plaintiffs began to file products liability claims in Maryland against G.D. Searle & Company and Searle Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (collectively referred to as "Searle"). Each plaintiff alleges that she was injured due to use of Searle's Copper...

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