Crim. No. 89-0162.

718 F.Supp. 109 (1989)

UNITED STATES of America v. Rayful EDMOND, III, et al.

United States District Court, District of Columbia.

August 30, 1989.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Jay B. Stephens, U.S. Atty. for the District of Columbia, Betty Ann Soiefer, Robert Andary and Barry Tapp Asst. U.S. Attys., for the U.S.

Cynthia W. Lobo, Washington, D.C., for Melvin Butler.

Ernest W. McIntosh, Washington, D.C., for Willie Childress.

Catherine Brown, Washington, D.C., for Keith Cooper.

Arthur M. Levin, Wash., D.C., for Columbus Daniels.

William Garber, Washington, D.C., for Rachelle Edmond.

Vincent Bowers, Washington, D.C., for Ronald Green.

Joseph Virgilio, Washington, D.C., for Robert Hardy.

Elise Haldane, Washington, D.C., for James Antonio Jones.

Leroy Nesbitt, Washington, D.C., for Tony Lewis.

John Drury, Drury and Brennan, Washington, D.C., for Deatria Lindsay.

Michelle A. Roberts, Washington, D.C., for Patrick McDonald.

Thomas Slawson, Washington, D.C., for Bernice Hillman-McGraw.

Robert Werdig, Washington, D.C., for David McGraw.

Joseph Conte, Washington, D.C., for Jerry Millington.

Leonard Long, Washington, D.C., for John Monford.

Robert Sanders, Washington, D.C., for Armaretta Perry.

W. Gary Kohlman, Washington, D.C., for Constance Perry.

Sol Rosen, Washington, D.C., for Melvin Stewart.

Diane Lepley, Washington, D.C., for Emanuel Sutton.

Retna Pullings, Washington, D.C., for Jeffrey Thompson.

Nina Kraut, Washington, D.C., for Rayniece Edmond Thompson.

Idus Daniel, Washington, D.C., for Katrina Wade.

William H. Murphy, Jr., Baltimore, Md., for Rayful Edmond III.


CHARLES R. RICHEY, District Judge.

On August 25, 1989, the Court issued an Order announcing the Court's decision to withhold from both counsel and defendants the identities and addresses of the members of the jury. In addition, the Court announced that it would sequester the jury during trial and deliberations. The Court's reasons for these decisions follow.

Preservation of the anonymity of a jury is appropriate when there exists...

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