No. 66223.

125 Ill.2d 477 (1988)

532 N.E.2d 825

In re ESTATE OF BURGESON (Estate of Zella Burgeson, by Patrick Murphy, Public Guardian, Appellant, v. Sheldon Kirshner, Appellee).

Supreme Court of Illinois.

Opinion filed December 15, 1988.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Patrick T. Murphy and Rebecca S. Kolleng, of Chicago, for appellant.

Richard E. Zulkey, of Zulkey, Pikarski & Gordon, Chtd., and Thomas E. Kluczynski, both of Chicago, and William P. Hapaniewski, of Merrillville, Indiana, for appellee John Hounsom.

Robert A. Carrane, of Carrane, Zwirn, Newman & Freifeld, of Chicago, for appellee beneficiaries.

William T. Regas, of Park Ridge, for appellee Sheldon Kirshner.


JUSTICE RYAN delivered the opinion of the court:

Patrick T. Murphy, the public guardian for Cook County, filed a petition to vacate portions of two orders entered during probate proceedings in the estate of Zella Burgeson. One such order approved the final account of the executor, including the disbursement of fees to respondent, Sheldon Kirshner, the executor's attorney. The other order discharged a special...

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