362 Pa.Super. 532 (1987)

524 A.2d 1367

John W. HOOVER v. Jeremiah JACKSON, his heirs and assigns; Thomas Newton, his heirs and assigns; Nathaniel Lewis, his heirs and assigns; William Lewis, his heirs and assigns; John Dunlop, his heirs and assigns; Charles Huston, his heirs and assigns; Joseph Harris, his heirs and assigns; Samuel Christ, his heirs and assigns; and Beech Creek Borough Authority. Appeal of BEECH CREEK BOROUGH AUTHORITY. John W. HOOVER, Appellant, v. Jeremiah JACKSON, his heirs and assigns; Thomas Newton, his heirs and assigns; Nathaniel Lewis, his heirs and assigns; William Lewis, his heirs and assigns; John Dunlop, his heirs and assigns; Charles Huston, his heirs and assigns; Joseph Harris, his heirs and assigns; Samuel Christ, his heirs and assigns; and Beech Creek Borough Authority, Appellees.

Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.

Filed April 30, 1987.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Michael K. Hanna, Lock Haven, for appellant in No. 410 and for appellee in No. 434.

Stephen W. Furst, Bellefonte, for appellant in No. 434 and for appellee in No. 410.


WIEAND, Judge:

In these cross-appeals from final judgment in an action to quiet title, there are two principal issues. The first concerns the sufficiency of the evidence to establish title by adverse possession of a tract of dense woodland; the second concerns the weight to be given to the amount of acreage recited in a deed when it is at variance with the actual acreage enclosed within the specific boundaries defined in the deed description. The trial court held...

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