No. 104P87.

356 S.E.2d 775 (1987)

In the Matter of the Appeal of Mr. and Mrs. Algernon L. BUTLER, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. John C. Byrnes, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph M. James, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Willard, Mrs. Mary H. Whitted, Mr. Henry B. Peschau, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Van Reid, Ms. Eleanor LeGrand Hervey, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. West, Jr., Ms. Elizabeth Parsley, Mr. and Mrs. Harris M. Newber, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Alexander McEachern, Mr. and Mrs. Lemual L. Doss, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Whitted, Ms. Rosemary Haden, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dobbins, Mrs. Vera P. Brouse, Mr. Adrian Hurst, Mr. and Mrs. James Ferger, Dr. John W. Ormand, Jr., Etux., from the decision of the New Hanover County Board of Equalization and Review of June, 1984.

Supreme Court of North Carolina.

June 2, 1987.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Algernon L. Butler, Jr., Wilmington, for Taxpayers.

Robert W. Pope, Co. Atty., Wanda M. Copley and Kenneth G. Silliman, Asst. Co. Attys., Wilmington, for New Hanover County.


Upon consideration of the petition filed by Taxpayers in this matter for discretionary review of the decision of the North Carolina Court of Appeals pursuant to G.S. 7A-31, the following order was entered and is hereby certified to the North Carolina Court of Appeals:

"Denied by order of the Court in conference, this the 2nd day of...

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