MAUREEN J. TEBO & others
BOARD OF APPEALS OF SHREWSBURY & others (and two companion cases).
Appeals Court of Massachusetts, Worcester.
May 5, 1986.
August 4, 1986.
Attorney(s) appearing for the Case
Susan K. Scott for Maureen J. Tebo & others.
Roger J. Brunelle for Worcester Sand & Gravel Company, Incorporated, & another.
Roger J. Brunelle for Worcester Sand & Gravel Company, Incorporated, & another.
Suzanne E. Durrell, Assistant Attorney General (Stanley Adelman with her) for Board of Fire Prevention Regulations.
Present: GRANT, KASS, & FINE, JJ.
Appeals Court of Massachusetts, Worcester.
All three cases4 arise from the collision of the same protagonists, Worcester Sand & Gravel Company, Incorporated (WS&G), which quarries rock and gravel, and Sprague Electric Company (Sprague), which makes microelectronic components. Blasting attendant to quarrying is inimical to the dust-free and vibration-free conditions required in the manufacture of products such...
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