No. BK-192.

498 So.2d 679 (1986)

Alton D. BROWN, Appellant, v. Louie L. WAINWRIGHT, Appellee.

District Court of Appeal of Florida, First District.

December 15, 1986.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Alton D. Brown, pro se.

Louis A. Vargas, General Counsel, Dept. of Corrections; Jim Smith, Atty. Gen.; Henri C. Cawthon, Asst. Atty. Gen.; and J. Craig Myrick, Asst. Atty. Gen., for appellee.


Appellant Brown first began serving a four-year sentence in July of 1975. In 1976 he escaped while on the work release program, was captured 29 days later after committing a robbery, and was given a twenty-year sentence to run consecutively with the four-year sentence. In 1977 he received an additional five-year sentence for possession of a weapon, also to run consecutively, for a total sentence of twenty-nine years. In November of 1985 Brown filed...

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