No. 3-84-0101.

133 Ill. App.3d 18 (1985)

478 N.E.2d 630

DUANE CASEY, Plaintiff-Appellee, v. E.J. CATTANI & SON GRAVEL, a/k/a Cattani Trucking Company et al., Defendants-Appellants.

Appellate Court of Illinois — Third District.

Opinion filed May 8, 1985.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Anthony C. Raccuglia & Associates, of Peru, for appellants.

Brian P. Thielen and Peter F. Ferracuti, both of Peter F. Ferracuti, P.C., of Ottawa, for appellee.

Judgment affirmed.

JUSTICE WOMBACHER delivered the opinion of the court:

E.J. Cattani & Son Gravel (hereinafter Cattani) appeals from the judgment of the circuit court of La Salle County, after a bench trial, finding for plaintiff Duane Casey. Casey had filed a negligence action against Richard Koch and Cattani, based upon injuries he received while on a construction site. Cattani's liability was premised upon the court's conclusion that Koch was an employee...

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