20 Mass. App. Ct. 91 (1985)

478 N.E.2d 160

DANIEL F. MAHONEY, trustee, & another vs. CITY OF CHELSEA.

Appeals Court of Massachusetts, Suffolk.

May 21, 1985.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Eric W. Wodlinger for the defendant.

Robert E. McDonnell for Eastern Minerals, Inc.

Andre R. Sigourney for Daniel F. Mahoney.

Present: GREANEY, C.J., ROSE, & GRANT, JJ.


This is the city's appeal from a judgment of the Land Court3 which determined that the proposed salt importing operations of Eastern Minerals, Inc. (Eastern), on land leased from S.M.P. Trust (S.M.P.) on the waterfront in Chelsea, will constitute a commercial dock, a permitted use under the Chelsea zoning ordinance. The city argues that the Land Court judge erred by not concluding that Eastern's proposed

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