No. 13764.

695 P.2d 1201 (1984)

107 Idaho 1062

J.T. WOLFORD, dba Wolford Realty and C.B. Empey and Ilene B. Empey, husband and wife, Plaintiffs-Respondents, Cross-Appellants, v. Lloyd T. TANKERSLEY and Dora Gennette Tankersley, husband and wife, Defendants-Appellants, Cross-Respondents.

Supreme Court of Idaho.

On Rehearing February 5, 1985.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Harold L. Ryan and Michael B. Sweet, Weiser, for defendants-appellants, cross-respondents.

Dale Smith, Fruitland, for plaintiffs-respondents, cross-appellants.

DONALDSON, Chief Justice.

In 1974, the plaintiffs-respondents, Mr. and Mrs. Empey, decided to sell four and one-half acres of their land. They retained Mr. Wolford, as their real estate agent. The defendants-appellants, Mr. and Mrs. Tankersley, purchased the property but three years later a dispute arose over the purchase price.

The events leading up to the dispute began when the Empeys attempted to sell a portion of their property for $18,000. The Tankersleys...

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