Nos. 83-Civ. 9181 (RLC), 84 Civ. 769 (RLC), 84 Civ. 871 (RLC) and 84 Civ. 3797 (RLC).

603 F.Supp. 636 (1984)

AMERICAN HOME ASSURANCE COMPANY and Birmingham Fire Insurance Company of Pennsylvania, Plaintiffs, v. The INSURANCE CORPORATION OF IRELAND LIMITED, those certain Underwriters At Lloyds subscribing to reinsurance agreements evidenced by Cover Note Nos. BIB 1210/82 and LI 113, RTC Limited, and Bloodstock International (Bermuda) Ltd., Defendants. and The INSURANCE CORPORATION OF IRELAND LIMITED, Third-Party Plaintiff, v. RHULEN AGENCY, INC., Somerset Broking Limited, Leadenhall International Limited, Peter James Meredew and John Richard Crawford Harris, Third-Party Defendants. and RHULEN AGENCY, INC., Fourth-Party Plaintiff, v. PAUL NAPOLITAN, INC., Fourth-Party Defendant. FRONTIER INSURANCE COMPANY, Plaintiff, v. INSURANCE CORPORATION OF IRELAND, LTD; Equine And Livestock Insurance Company, Ltd.; Brian D. Sutton; Bloodstock International (Bermuda), Ltd.; Peter J. Meredew, John Harris, RTC Limited and Rhulen Agency, Inc., Defendants. The MONARCH INSURANCE COMPANY OF OHIO, Plaintiff, v. The INSURANCE CORPORATION OF IRELAND, LTD., and Frelinghuysen Livestock Managers, Inc., Defendants. and The INSURANCE CORPORATION OF IRELAND, LIMITED, Third-Party Plaintiff, v. RTC LIMITED, Bloodstock International (Bermuda), Ltd., Leadenhall International Limited, Peter James Meredew, John Richard Crawford Harris and Somerset Broking Limited, Third-Party Defendants. PUBLIC SERVICE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Plaintiff, v. The INSURANCE CORPORATION OF IRELAND, LTD., Defendant. and The INSURANCE CORPORATION OF IRELAND, LTD., Third-Party Plaintiff, v. Peter James MEREDEW, John Richard Crawford Harris, Rhulen Agency, Inc., Somerset Broking Limited, Leadenhall International Limited, RTC Limited, and Bloodstock International (Bermuda) Limited, Third-Party Defendants.

United States District Court, S.D. New York.

October 22, 1984.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Kroll, Pomerantz & Cameron, New York City, for plaintiffs American Home Assur. Co. and Birmingham Ins. Co. of Penna; Roy E. Pomerantz, Leigh R. Isaacs, New York City, of counsel.

Hart & Hume, New York City, for Rhulen Agency, Inc.; Cecil Holland, Jr., Thomas Fenerty, New York City, of counsel.

D'Amato & Lynch, New York City, for defendant and third-party plaintiff Ins. Corp. of Ireland, Ltd.; Robert E. Meshel, John P. Higgins, New York City, of counsel.

Solin & Breindel, New York City, for defendant Certain Underwriters at Lloyds; Janice C. Berman, New York City, of counsel.

Montclare & Guay, New York City, for defendant RTC Limited; Paul Montclare, New York City, of counsel.

Hale, Russell & Gray, New York City, for defendant Bloodstock Intern. and third-party defendants John Richard Crawford Harris and Somerset Broking Limited; Selvyn Seidel, New York City, of counsel.

Thacher, Proffitt & Wood, New York City, for third-party defendant Peter James Meredew; Joan Hillenbrand, New York City, of counsel.

Anderson, Laino & Urgenson, P.C., New York City, for third-party defendant Leadenhall Intern., Ltd.; A. Broadus Anderson, New York City, of counsel.

Donovan, Maloof, Walsh & Kennedy, New York City, for fourth-party defendant Paul Napolitan, Inc.; Thomas P. Parry, New York City, of counsel.

Raggio, Jaffe, Kayser & Hunting, New York City, for Frelinghuysen Livestock Managers; Leo Kayser, III, New York City, of counsel.

Rein, Mound & Cotton, New York City, for The Monarch Ins. Co. of Ohio; Alan Rein, New York City, of counsel.

Marvin L. Tepper, Monticello, N.Y., and Shea & Gould, New York City, for Frontier Ins. Co.; John G. Nicolich, New York City, of counsel.


ROBERT L. CARTER, District Judge.

This consolidated action involves American and foreign parties in an international reinsurance transaction. The plaintiffs are United States insurance companies, doing business in New York City, suing for reimbursement of claims paid to, inter alia, insureds in the United States.

Primary defendants include reinsurers: The Insurance Corporation of Ireland Limited ("ICI"), certain Underwriters at Lloyds...

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