No. 48219-5.

97 Wn.2d 811 (1982)

650 P.2d 213

In the Matter of the Marriage of NORMA IRIS ELAM, Respondent, and STANLEY PATRICK ELAM, Appellant.

The Supreme Court of Washington, En Banc.

September 2, 1982.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Clinton J. Henderson, for appellant.

Jay Roy Jones, for respondent.


This case was certified from Division Three of the Court of Appeals pursuant to RCW 2.06.030(d) on the following question:

To what extent, if any, is there a community interest in the increase in value of separate property due to inflation, where community funds and labor were used to improve the property?

The marriage between Stanley and Norma Elam lasted from April 1972 until its dissolution in October 1979. Mr. Elam entered the marriage...

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