No. 79CA0445.

628 P.2d 166 (1981)

Edward E. PAGEL and Carmen D. Pagel, Plaintiffs-Appellants, Bill Hamlin, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ray Null, Ruby Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Blackberg, James R. Powers, Elias Solis, Mr. and Mrs. Danny J. Gentry, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Goff, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schrader and Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. Sell, Plaintiffs, v. D. L. REYMAN, Hope C. Reyman, Victor Korby and Vivian Korby, Defendants-Appellees.

Colorado Court of Appeals, Div. II.

April 2, 1981.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

George Reddin, Fort Morgan, for plaintiffs-appellants.

Peter Alpert, Fort Morgan, for defendants-appellees.

SMITH, Judge.

Edward and Carmen Pagel, plaintiffs, appeal the trial court's order denying them an interest in an easement. We affirm.

Plaintiffs are owners of a mobile home park. Defendants are the owners of lands which border the trailer park on its northern boundary. An access road, running east and west, lies just north of the trailer park on land owned by defendants. Historically, this access road has been used by both defendants and plaintiffs. This action...

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