272 S.C. 477 (1979)

252 S.E.2d 912

Anne N. DANIEL, Trustee, Appellant-Respondent, v. Mary Sue WHITE, Thomas D. White, Barkesdale M. White, Everette E. White, Agnes W. Jackson, Kathleen W. Stark, John Cousins White, Gerald A. White, Charles M. White, Mary E. Cousins, Hazel C. Baskette, Bertie Lee C. Smith, Virgil M. Cousins, James P. Cousins, Lillie Mae Cousins, Lila C. Romine, Thomas Cousins, Anne Sue Wilkes, Beatrice Sweat Cousins, Bobby Allen Riley, Rose Marie Riley (a minor fourteen years of age), Julie Riley (a minor under fourteen years of age), Janice C. Loud, Gene T. Cousins, George Wilbur Cousins, Georgia Eargle Cousins Lindler, Mary Nell C. Shelley, Robert Cousins, Charley Cousins, Luther Kade Cousins, Lois Merchant, Ruby Merchant Moses, Bernice Merchant Lomax, Frank Merchant, Henry B. Cousins, James C. Cousins, Walter M. Cousins, Frank N. Cousins, Jackson R. Cousins, Narvice Cousins, Ila Mae C. Brehmer, Patricia C. Barber, Drucie C. Goss, Brenda C. Vigodsky, Frances C. McGaha, Jo Ann Cousins, Virginia C. McMath, Betty C. Campbell, Warren R. Cousins, Walter B. Cousins, Luther Edford Cousins, and all unknown persons claiming any right, title or interest in or to or lien upon the real estate herein, any unknown adults being in a class collectively designated as John Doe, and any unknown infants or persons under other legal disability being in a class collectively designated as Richard Roe, Defendants, of whom Lois Merchant, Ruby Merchant Moses, Bernice Merchant Lomax, Henry B. Cousins, James C. Cousins, Walter M. Cousins, Frank N. Cousins, Jackson R. Cousins, Ila Mae C. Brehmer, Patricia C. Barber, Drucie C. Goss, Brenda C. Vigodsky, Frances C. McGaha, Jo Ann Cousins, Virginia C. McMath, Betty C. Campbell, Warren R. Cousins and Walter B. Cousins are Respondents-Appellants.

Supreme Court of South Carolina.

January 22, 1979.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Samuel M. Price, Jr., Newberry, for appellant-respondent.

Pope & Schumpert, Newberry, for respondents-appellants.

January 22, 1979.


The court is called upon to construe the provisions of Item Three of the will of John Cousins, who died in 1929, leaving six children. Item Three reads as follows:

"I give, devise and bequeath all the rest and residue of my estate real and personal and of whatever kind, to my six children, namely: John Marenus Cousins, Martin Luther Cousins, (Mrs.) Maggie Beatrice Merchant, John Henry Cousins, (Mrs.) Elizabeth...

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