No. 33.

223 S.E.2d 350 (1976)

289 N.C. 560

Earline Cockerham TAYLOR v. Shirley Wooten BOGER.

Supreme Court of North Carolina.

April 6, 1976.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Franklin Smith, Elkin, for plaintiff-appellant.

Deal, Hutchins & Minor by Richard Tyndall, Winston-Salem, for defendant-appellee.

MOORE, Justice.

Plaintiff first assigns as error the refusal of the trial court to allow Dr. Adams to answer the following hypothetical question:

"Doctor, assuming the Jury should find from the facts and from the evidence in the case, and by its greater weight, that Earline Cockerham Taylor was riding in a 1969 Chevrolet automobile when it was involved in a collision with a Volkswagen automobile on October 8, 1971...

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