No. 41772.

449 P.2d 264 (1969)

TENNECO OIL COMPANY, a Corporation, Plaintiff in Error, v. HUMBLE OIL & REFINING COMPANY, a Corporation, Defendant in Error.

Supreme Court of Oklahoma.

January 7, 1969.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Baker H. Melone, of Miller, Melone, Wilson, Adams & Spencer, Oklahoma City, for plaintiff in error.

Albert C. McClain, Richard W. Fowler, Oklahoma City, for defendant in error; Fowler, Rucks, Baker, Jopling, Gramlich & Mee, Oklahoma City, Sparks, Boatman & Rizley, Woodward, of counsel.

LAVENDER, Justice.

This appeal involves the following question: Where actual notice of the prior existence of an oil and gas lease is imparted to one seeking to also obtain such a lease does the latter exercise "reasonable diligence" in inquiring as to the continued effectiveness of such lease where he limits his inquiry to questioning the intended lessor as to any outstanding leases? The trial court in effect answered such...

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