No. 9876.

429 P.2d 397 (1967)

James W. BLAINE, Plaintiff-Respondent, v. John W. BYERS, Boise Cascade Corporation, a corporation, and Boise National Leasing, Inc., a corporation, Defendants-Appellants.

Supreme Court of Idaho.

June 22, 1967.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Richards, Haga & Eberle, Boise, for appellants.

Coughlan & Imhoff, Boise, for respondent.

SPEAR, Justice.

Appellants John W. Byers, Boise Cascade Corporation and Boise National Leasing Corporation appeal from a judgment awarding respondent James W. Blaine $25,000 damages in a personal injury action following a jury trial in the district court for Ada County. Liability of the appellants is not disputed. The central issue presented by the appeal is whether the trial judge should have entered judgment on the jury verdict of $25,000, which appellants assert...

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