30 Wis.2d 206 (1966)

DOERN, Plaintiff and Respondent, v. CRAWFORD and others, Defendants: SOLVESON and another, Defendants and Respondents: AMERICAN FAMILY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Defendant and Appellant.

Supreme Court of Wisconsin.

March 1, 1966.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

For the defendant-appellant there was a brief and oral argument by John W. Emmerling of Milwaukee.

For the plaintiff-respondent there was a brief by Johnson & Johnson and Eugene N. Johnson, all of Waukesha, and oral argument by Eugene N. Johnson.

For the defendants-respondents there was a brief by Lowry, Hunter & Tikalsky, attorneys, and Russell Greb of counsel, and oral argument by James L. Steimel, all of Waukesha.


American Family's policy issued to Paulson contains the following provisions with respect to the liability coverage under Part I of the policy:

"The following are insureds under Part I:

"(a) With respect to the owned automobile,

"(1) the named insured and any resident of the same household,

"(2) any other person using such automobile, provided the actual use thereof is with the permission of the named insured;

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