No. 38,038.

264 Minn. 307 (1962)

119 N.W. (2d) 838


Supreme Court of Minnesota.

December 21, 1962.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Jerome M. Daly, for appellant.

Walter F. Mondale, Attorney General, Charles E. Houston, Solicitor General, William B. Randall, County Attorney, and John P. Frank, Assistant County Attorney, for respondent.


The grand jury of Ramsey County returned an indictment charging defendant, Jacob Joseph Smith, and Richard Robert Mitchell and Richard Thomas McCarty with having committed the crime of murder in the third degree contrary to Minn. St. 619.10.1 The indictment alleged that the act took place on August 12, 1959, and that the victim, Gordon Knopic, died on August 16, the result of...

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