No. 38,383.

261 Minn. 10 (1961)

110 N.W. (2d) 514


Supreme Court of Minnesota.

September 1, 1961.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Walter F. Mondale, Attorney General, Charles E. Houston, Solicitor General, and Einer C. Iversen, County Attorney, for the state.

William J. Nierengarten, for defendant.


The defendant was charged with unlawfully selling and having in his possession, with intent to sell, certain obscene or indecent magazines, pamphlets, or story papers containing pictures and photographs, in violation of Minn. St. 617.24,1 said violation constituting the crime of selling and possessing indecent literature against the form of the statute.

The defendant demurred to the information on the following...

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