9 Wis.2d 147 (1960)

ESTATE OF BARTELS: MILWAUKEE COUNTY, Appellant, v. ALTSTADT, Executor, and others, Respondents.

Supreme Court of Wisconsin.

January 5, 1960.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

For the appellant there was a brief by C. Stanley Perry, corporation counsel, and James J. O'Donnell, assistant corporation counsel, and oral argument by Mr. O'Donnell.

For the respondents there was a brief by Talsky & Talsky of Milwaukee, for Alois O. Altstadt, executor; by Alfred W. Ecks of Milwaukee, for St. Joseph's Orphan Asylum; and by Henry V. Kane of Milwaukee, for Little Sisters of the Poor; and oral argument by Mr. Kane and Mr. Rudolph W. Talsky.


The controlling statute is sec. 46.10. Liability for maintenance of a patient in specified public institutions is imposed by sub. (2) thereof upon the—

". . . patient . . . and his property and estate, including his homestead, or the husband or wife of such patient and their property or estates, including their homesteads, and in the case of a minor child the father or mother of the patient, and their property and estates, including their...

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